5 Technology Gifts Ideas For Lawyers in 2022
The legal industry is not unsusceptible to change. Modern-day technology and work ethic have left no parts of our lives untouched. Certainly, lawyers are adapting to this new aspect of living virtually.
It is also not news that modern-day technology has enhanced the legal industry in unimaginable ways. Unsurprisingly so, it appears that new tech is continually rolled out almost every other day. Gadgets and software are no longer limited to the hands of a few tech-savvy geniuses.
It is that time of year when many of us are in search of meaningful gifts for our colleagues in the industry or perhaps it could be a gift to oneself?!
With the above in mind, the following offers ideas of top tech gadgets that legal professionals could need right now!
1) Legal writing and drafting
Anyone familiar with the art of drafting must be well-acquainted with the hassle of toggles and function keys. The LegalBoard has an interface that permits its users to shift from the ordinary keyboard to a specialized “legal” keyboard mode. Thus, you can avoid all those pesky clicks that seem to add up on your normal time and boost your work efficiency.
2) Projection is key
With a never-ending workload and tedious projects, any attorney must feel the need to add some buzz to their everyday work. Mini-pocket projectors provide a simple but effective way to do it, by turning literally any flat surface into a presentation screen. Clients, consider them yours!
3) Text scanner and Smartpen
Another word for exasperation in every lawyer’s dictionary is an old-school scanner. Those time-consuming machines might get our work done(mostly) but at the cost of our sanity and precious billable minutes. A portable pen scanner transforms any text into an easily modifiable, digital form. And. all of this, just by underlining the text. Hassle? What’s that like?
Why stop at scanners? When you can digitize anything, you scribble almost instantly. The Livescribe Echo Smartpen allows us to save not just handwritten notes, but also audio memos. Like, what else would you need a pen to do? Magic?
4) Scheduling & time
In assignments where collaboration is the key, software solutions like Schedule Once are excellent.
Time is money and money must be saved! One of the essentials of any legal attorney is a well-functioning and a (hopefully) minimalistic time-tracking tool. Outside of the practice management solutions, Time Analytics, Desk Time, and MyHours are some tools that you could use if you’re struggling with time management.
5) Supercharged lawyer
Perpetually running out of all your device’s juice? Why not invest in a trustworthy charging option? A portable solar charger is what you should be looking into! Easy to afford, easier to use, and easiest to rely on.
We hope the above is useful and timely for you and your colleagues as you close out 2022!
Also read top viewed Ai Legal article: The Role of AI in Legal Research.